So this was officially the worst day I've ever had. And I really don't like complaining- but this is the honest truth!
SO I have been coughing and blowing my nose a lot the past couple of days, but I felt absolutely terrible today. Which is very strange because I never get sick. Anyway, I went to school around 8:30 this morning to go to the wellness center because I had a terrible headache on top of my other symptoms and because I didn't have an appoinment I had to wait until 10am. Did I mention I had a midterm today at 10am? Ughh! Well I did- so I told the receptionist this and we had to reschedule my appoinment to 11am. 3 more hours feeling like complete crap? So I went back to my car and decided I was going to sleep until my class started, so I did. But as soon as I woke up my headache had turned into a migraine and I was now super nauseous. So I walked to class as slow as a turtle, only staring at the cement in front of me because I was sure I was going to vomit. Making it to class without throwing up was a huge surprise. So nevertheless I took my midterm, which was super duper easy (thank you Lord) and made my way back to the UNLV wellness center at turtle pace. When I got there I saw a nurse who prescribed me three different medications and told me to go home and get some rest because I looked like I needed it. I know people don't mean to hurt your feelings when they say you look tired, but for some reason it still hurts me. Oh well! So after I got done seeing her I went to the pharmacy down the hall and waited for the pharmacist to give me my medicine. I was so nauseous at this point that I couldn't stand straight and began shaking and swaying back and forth and told the pharmacist I had to sit down and for her just to call me up when she was done. From the chair I was sitting in I called my fiancee, Max, and told him I was feeling so terrible that he might have to come pick me up and drive me home and I told him I would call him back after I left the pharmacy. So then the pharmacist called me up when she was ready for me and I paid for my medicine and headed back to my car. As soon as I reached the drivers side door of my car I began throwing this nasty green watery stuff that was probably acid because I hadn't eaten anything at this point and it was 12 pm. So I jumped in my car, avoiding the vomit and called Max to come get me. Then I fell asleep until he got there with our friend Lucas. Poor sweet Lucas had the wonderful task of driving my car back to my house. So it was safe to say as I made my way into Max's car I was in sheer horror at the fact that Lucas had to jump over my puke to drive my car. I finally got home and my brother met me inside and asked what happened to me because I looked awful. He always tells me his honest opinion so this didn't bother me as much. I made my way to my bed and asked him if he could make me oatmeal and he said sure. He brought me up some oatmeal. I could only eat a few spoonfuls because of my stomach so I slept for three hours. When I woke up my migraine had gotten worse and I felt dizzy and my head was throbbing incontrollably so I asked my brother for a neck and head massage and he said sure. He's going to make a great husband one day. After the massage I went back to sleep for four more hours and ate the rest of my oatmeal. Finally my migraine was gone!!
Je deteste etre mauvais- Adieu.