
Friday, March 18, 2011

I have a feeling it's gonna be a nude summer...

I think my phase Summer 2011 color will be nude (get your head outta the gutter, sickos!)

I will be rummaging through Kohl's, H&M, Ross,  and Macy's (to use the rest of my giftcards) to find something that resembles these classy numbers. I want more basics that can be used to layer my outfits instead of adorable pieces I will only wear once! (cough, cough! red 21st birthday couture dress from Patty's Closet...grrr!)


I officially signed up to take my GRE (Graduate Record Examination) Test yesterday. I'm starting to feel old. The thought that by December I will be a college graduate is insane. I am still too indecisive to decided on what I want my future career to be, but I know that I want Grad school to be in my future. The whole thing is in God's hands. I can prepare all I want but in the end, He will decide what is best for me =] At least that detail puts a smile on my face! If there is anything I am good it, it may be not stressing too much about my future. Some may call it being too lax, but I will refer to it as "giving it up to Christ" and therefore taking no part in worrying.

Thoughts  about future schools for my Masters:

University of Oregon (Gah! I'm a sucker for green shrubbery!)

An accredited online program I can do from here

Any UC school