
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So, my husband and I had a little date night last night! We saw Scream 4- CHEESY, I know. BUUUT, one of our most favorite things in the whole world is watching movies together. I may be addicted actually- like a drug addict. It's my way of escaping into a world that is not my own that I can drift away slowly to. Well, the good ones at least. (Not, like Scream. We just watch stuff like that for fun.) But seriously, I went to the movies twice last week! I saw Hanna (B) and Scream (B+). And may I just saw that the entire reason that Max and I love the Scream movies is because they admit to the rules that you must follow in order to stay alive and the faux paus  that end people's lives. So clever. And not bad fashion either. Check out these ladies-- so chic!

I heart Neve- she is 37 and looks incredile!

This cutie is definitely up and coming after this performance.

Hayden did a really good job in this movie- I'm not sure how I feel about her haircut though. Kinda cute, but kinda butch...

What did you do over the weekend?


  1. Hey Sweetie,

    How are you? :)

    I always watch movies with my BF too, but at home!

    I like staying in and avoiding the noise and crowds and I can always find more snacks when I get hungry haha.

    The Cat Hag

  2. Nice!!! I agree with you on Hayden's hair... not feeling it too much, well, at least in that photo! I've been addicted to Netflix. Seriously. I've been watching reruns of "The Office" like no tomorrow... it's relaxing and sentimental for me! (Sometimes I even clap during the intro for old time's sake! :P) Love you!!!

  3. Gorgeous ladies- 37! you're kidding me.
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment about my eyebrows- I can tell you they got me a bit of grief at school ; )

    Following your lovely blog.


  4. i love movies too!! going to movies with my love is just one of my most favorite things... nothing better than snuggling up to him in a theater with a bucket of popcorn and a yummy drink for like 2 whole hours... heaven!
