
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Look what I FOUND!!!

In case there are some of you reading this that don't really know me--- let me help.

I am turning 22 next month (not too excited about it for some reason), I got married to my best friend last October, I am a senior at UNLV majoring in Sociology, and I am a leader for an awesome ministry called Young Life that seeks out non-Christian high schoolers in hopes of helping them meet Christ- welp, thats me in a nutshell. Oh yea--- I love, love, LOVE to cook!!

Check out what I found  yesterday!!!

*So this is the list I made when I was 16 years old for a man I wanted God to place in my life to marry one day. How funny is this?! (And it was definately done in Crayola marker) I'll let you read it yourself, but my favs are:

1. Loves God

14. Doesn't indulge in sweets too often (because I am such a freak and have the BIGGEST sweet tooth. It was so crazy when I first started dating Max and realized he basically doesn't like sweets at all. How funny of a prayer request for God to answer)

25. Dark, straight hair (Again, how silly! But I don't feel too bad considering Max has told me he prayed for certain physical characteristics he wanted his wife to have and God answered that ;)

33. Pushes me mentally and physically (SO true!)

See this cute black and white croqueted flower on my sweater?? This was worn on my bestie's wedding day a couple weeks ago and I just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad to wear it today. I really miss her!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feeling straaaaaange

SOOOO, I don't like how I've been feeling lately. It's in a state of complete restlessness. I feel like there is so much on my plate. I feel like I'm waiting for something BIG to happen. I don't get it. Is it that I feel like I'm useless because every second of my life is not consumed with planning a wedding?? I don't know-- BUT it's really bugging me. I wish I had either one of my best friends living near to me. I wish that my little sister wasn't screwing up her life without realizing it. And I wish that I was content. I feel like I have so much weight on my shoulders, but none of it means anything. Do you ever have those days? Like nothing you do matters? Maybe I'm just being silly. Maybe school has something to do with it? It just feels like I don't have time to do the things I really want to do. And it doesn't help that I basically am getting NO quality time with Max right now. This whole student teaching thing SUCKS! I hate that it feels like he has two jobs and I only get to see him at night and a little on the weekends. I want to g on a honeymoon again! Is three months too soon for another one??!!