
Thursday, June 9, 2011

J'ai decouvert le vrai bouheur le jour vous avez marche daus ma vie...

(I discovered true happiness the day you walked into my life...)

I am proud to inform you that there is a new member of my family. Her name is Pia and she is a one year old Shiba Inu mix. She is absolutely beautiful and such a good girl. Here is what she looks like:

We rescued her from a shelter here in Vegas and brought her into her new home last Friday. And she just loves it here! Max's friend from work is an animal trainer and stopped by our house for a little training session with Pia. We were surprised to find out that she already knew how to high five, sit, and come. She is so, so smart. I love being a "mommy." =]

On my mind...

I'm definintely buying this for my momma- she will LOVE it! Can't wait to figure out her bridal shower details.

My next diy project. I already have the heels- now its time for the lace.

Yes it's true, I'm a Zach Braff addict. I have to see this movie

Watch this clip from Korea's Got Talent...and grab a tissue, you'll need it!

Love this cover. I heard in while window shopping the other day. What do you think?

Making this recipe tonight! Should be YUM-O!

GUESS WHAT?! A few of my best friends are coming in town tonight! Can't wait to see you Nicole and Jessica =]