MOB of pregnanteers: Drea, you can't run forever you know!
Drea: But why not? You people are so scary!!
MOB: Pregnancy and motherhood is a wonderful thing you know.
Drea: I get that for some people it totally is but I'm just not ready for that yet. 1) I really like my body. In fact I love it. I can't give that up. 2) How am I supposed to function when all these women around me that don't have full time jobs and get to stay at home can't even handle it... I NEED sleep! 3) I love my time with Max. I don't want to be responsible for a human life that will completely drain ALL of my time from him. Other than that I can't think of anything else and I will be super happy to be a mommy when I'm ready to give up all of those things but for now-
So all of my peers trying to tell me to have kids soon: