
Monday, April 5, 2010

I deserve...

Today was enlightening.

I wish my allergies would go away so that I could run outside- I miss that. That feeling you get from working your body so hard and knowing that when you are done you will feel so pleased with yourself because you just finished something incredible.

I saw my reception site choice #1 yesterday! My goodness was it incredible. I see all of these things around me that are beautiful and unimaginable- something that I would have never dreamed that I deserve- I still sort of don't think that I do. But for some reason God thinks I do. That is so humbling: to be shown the things that could come from prayer and simply asking and watching things start to hatch before your eyes. And who knows maybe I won't get to have my reception there, but the thought that I could be introduced to my family and friends on my wedding day as Mrs. Max Lorenz is enough to plant a permanent smile on my face and nearly burst. Next to meeting Christ, Max is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He makes me want to me a better person every single day. And not in a jealous or envious way- in a way that makes me want to be a better person for him because that is what he deserves and I know that is the kind of wife God has created me to be. I have NEVER met anyone like him- someone that is just good. No self ambitions- just goodness.

I love you Max and you have truly showed me what love is.