
Friday, October 15, 2010

Out of my hands

Most people probably don't know this about me, but I'm kind of a control freak. I'm not sure where I learned this unappealing habit from but I wish I could get rid of it. I have not blogged in a while because this very habit- or lack of having any control has been consuming my life for the past week now. So for the last nine months my wonderul fiancé and I have been planning to have our wedding reception at his uncle's house. Did I mention his uncle is an architect and the house is insane; complete with a downstairs cellar full of wine racks, a two lane cosmic bowling alley, an amazing view, an outdoor bath on the roof, and so much more incredible features? So needless to say Max and I were so excited to have our reception here- plus it had always been Max's dream to have his wedding reception at his uncles house once it was done being built.

So nine months worth of planning were going amazingly well (seriously, not one issue at all!) until last Saturday night. Max's uncle had us meet him for wine- and then an atomic bomb was dropped on us. The house would not be ready in time for the wedding (it's been a 4 yr long project!) and we just stared at eachother dumbfounded. We could not believe it. So Max and his uncle sat at the table discussing alternative options for what seemed like forever, and I just sat there not speaking because if I did i knew i would start the ugly cry- you know the one where no one can understand you and you're voice suddenly drops deeply? So I sat there and nodded my head while the guys talked and it was time to leave. As Max and I walked to the car the tears started swelling up in my eyes and raced down my cheek. Then we got in the car and Max told me everything was going to be okay and that he was sad too. The whole car ride home was spent with me crying in his lap.

Why was this happening? Every married woman says something will go wrong when planning wedding stuff, but i was hoping it would be that I would spill wine on my dress or my mom would show up late- not this.

I just remember thinking to myself that this was a test from God and that I was going to try to handle it with as much grace as possible and try to over come this with my fiancé right beside me.

And you know what? That's exactly what we did. Four days after doomsday we booked a venue 3 min away from our ceremony venue. Of course it's not as nice as the mansion we were going to
have it at but Max and I are convinced that's why this all happened. My Mom and mother-in-law both said that the focus would probably have been on the crazy, awesome house instead of on the fact that God was uniting Max and I as a married couple. Aha- another lesson on humility. Darn it!

Even though I probably used all of the tears I had in stock for 2010, I am glad this experience happened. It brought my future husband and I so much closer and really paved the way for how we are going to handle crazy moments in life: with insane amounts of prayer and faith that God will provide, with grace, with humility, and maybe even some tears along the way.


(15 more days btw!)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

30 days

So I cannot believe I will officially be MRS. Lorenz in 30 days! I am so stoked. How did you feel when you were a month out? Were you nervous? Excited? Worried? For me, I am overcome with peace, excitement, and JOY! I know this is the best decision I have ever made.

Another thing I'm excited for? My cheesy Sandals honeymoon! I have never had an extravagant vacation where I could indulge in anything I wanted. Skiing in Vancouver was awesome but nothing close to what I will be experiencing I'm sure.

Any advice?

I'm open to anything you think would help a sista out ;)

I'm so so so excited!!!!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Parti de Mariee (Bridal Shower!)

Earlier this month I had my bridal shower. So you know how when those incredible days that are all about you are finally here (like your 18th birthday, graduation day, blah blah blah all that crap along with those other beautiful days...) and you think you are going to wake up and little blue birds are going to fly through your window and quietly chirp into your ear to wake you up. and Oprah is there with her whole film crew to document this special day. Well, my day didn't start off this way...  it's like I just woke up in this funk. I had absolutely NO reason to be mad, or sad, or whatever I was. I just couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with me. Then I started to talk to myself to try to get pumped up.

                                    Me: "Drea, what's wrong?"

                                        ---"I don't know."

                                    Me: "Well you're acting like there is something up your butt, so cut it out."

                                      ---"I'm trying, geez."

                                    Me: "Why does you're face look like someone just plucked out ten of your noise hairs."

                                      ---"I haven't the slightest idea, I'm happy."
                                    Me: "Well, smile then."

                                   --- "That's the fakest smile I've ever seen."

                                   Me: "Bite me."

 So after this pathetic conversation with myself I asked God if he could make me happy because this was a very big day in my life. If you know me, you know I'm HORRIBLE at hiding my emotions, like its the worst acting job you've ever seen - I could never win an Emmy =(   so as I pulled up to my future mother-in-laws house I began to regroup and genuinely get excited for opening all of my presents seeing all my wonderful girlfriends and eat yummy food.

My besties did the BEST job capturing a French 1940's feel- which is exactly what I wanted. Thank you girls!!!

look at those presents... WOO HOO!!

I'm so dumb

Future mommy-in-law!

I know, I know..were I'm adorable

love that girl!

Thanks to everyone that helped with this. I seriously love you.

And to anyone that wants to come to my bachelorette party, you're invited! Even if you can't make it to the wedding. Send me a message if you want to come =]

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Goals Before I Turn 30

The day I turned 21, my brother did not greet me with a "Happy Birthday Drea!" like most people did that day. Instead he said, "Only nine more years until you're thirty."  Can you believe that?! The nerve. That really got me thinking. Whether it was insecurity or something innately prodding to think about my future, my mind began to race. I began to think of all of the things I HAD to do before I turned 30. Why I decided thirty I have no idea. It's not like life ends after thirty. In fact, my mom says that life gets fabulous at thirty. She says you start to really understand that you don't have to take crap from people- that you have a choice in the matter and you truly begin to know what is most important and aren't afraid to vocalize it. I guess I decided on thirty because some of my goals are physically demanding and for some reason I think my body won't last that long- like all of the running I have done in my life has made me fragile. Well, I'm not going down without a fight if that is the case. I want to be the sixty year old woman that is still doing half marathons and that does jazzercise. Wouldn't that be awesome to watch?  Here's my To-Do Before I'm 30.

                                                          1. Go to the Ballet

2. Go scuba diving in St. Lucia

3. Ride a train in Boston

4. Eat pizza in Sicily

5. Run a full marathon in Napa Valley and drink wine after!

6. Swim in Greece

7. Walk in a vineyard in Tuscany

8. Go to Germany during Oktoberfest

9. Go to France during Christmas

10. Surprise Max with a trip to Pittsburgh to see a Steeler's game

11. Make a full on Thanksgiving meal for my friends

12. Give Alicia Keys a hug

13. Pet an elephant

14. Go Skydiving

Just a little glimpse into my brain. Do you have any goals you want to accomplish in your lifetime?


Just got my license- marriage license that is!

So this is how Thursday went:
Max and I headed down to Water Street to get our marriage license! Craaazy stuff. It's all coming together so well. I can't believe I'm getting married next month. I haven't been down to Water Street for about a year. It still has the same old town, dingy appearance but it felt different this time around. There was a kind of energy that has never been there before. Maybe because I was excited for what we were about to do, but I noticed things I never had before. Like a cute antique shop that looked about 100 years old right on the corner of Lake Mead and Water Street. Or the Farmer's Market that was going on right in front of City Hall with stands full baskets full of bright, red strawberries, tie-dyed shirts, homemade trail mixes and salsas, and even a stand that sold Tacizzos ( perfect mixture of a taco and a pizza..)

Plus there was this cute little boy that was having the time of his life running through those areas that shoot water out of the ground after you press a button. I mean, this felt like a cozy, California day and not the desert.

Needless to say I had a great day that got me SUPER excited for my big day. Here's some pictures of my CA Bridal shower that my WONDERFUL mom and sisters threw me. I had a blast and can't wait for my bridal shower here next Sunday. I know my BM and FMIL have some great things up their sleeves.

Can you believe my mom made these? She's the BEST caterer ever!
Sangria... mmmmm.

Adieu jolie!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How am I supposed to make it out alive?

I have no idea how I am going to handle the next four months of my life. I don't know how I am going to survive both full time work and school, leading a group of incredible young women to Christ, getting MARRIED, going on a honeymoon, moving, and trying to give my best friend the BEST bridal shower that has ever been and will ever be. I just have to take it step by step and rely not on my own strength but seek God. That is the only way I will make it out of this alive.

Nostalgia slowly crept up on me and gave me a swift kick in the behind this past week. As I was looking around my room I started to realize that I would shortly have to start packing all of my junk.

..and one of the worst things you ask???

donating my trophies and medals...

I know, i know. Of all the lame things I could be saddened by I get depressed over giving away my trophies. I just am proud of them I guess. I worked hard for those things. They represent mile after mile of countless races, yard after yard I spent rushing in flag football,  and every stupid time I cried in softball when I struck out. I used to have this complex when I was younger that being good in sports would make my dad's side of the family proud of me. They never cared about my trophies. Besides, their kids had WAY more anyway. When I look back at it in those terms it almost seems freeing knowing what I am about to do. I'm going to keep four medals though-of the races I am most proud of. Just so my kids will know that back in the day their momma used to dominate in cross country! Nah not really. And no I don't plan on having four children, i only want two. But I have heard many a story of women accidentally getting pregnant even though they were told it was impossible and were being extra "careful" so I'm just giving myself a little buffering room.

It is going to be so weird once my room is all packed up- just seeing all of my stuff gone. It will be especially weird that I have Proverbs 31: 10-12 up on my wall permanently. Oh well, dad can fix that later I suppose.

   "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life."


Let me bring Max good and never harm.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life after my Bridal Shower

So I am oober excited that I'm 72 days away from marrying an insanely wonderful, precious, sweet, kind, and adorable man!

On another note... here's how my bridal shower went.

My flight to San Jose was spent with me crying and wondering why God deemed it appropriate to have my flight be delayed because of very heavy ominous clouds. (I'm not a baby honestly- but the clouds made it look like the whole Earth was covered in snow and then I thought we will never land and I surely will die in this plane... I'm glad I didn't.)

Then as soon as we got landed safely, my mom met me at the airport and we spent the day eating yummy teriyaki, getting pedicures, and just talking. After the sweet relaxation time with my mom and younger sister we went into full blown party mode. My gosh was this exhausting! I felt like I didn't stop working until I was boarding my flight back home (which also went  horrible thanks to some lovely turbulence and resulted in marvelous vomit and me exploding into tears on my best friend's shoulder as soon as I got here.)

So the party was beautiful and I got LOTS of Bed, Bath, and Beyond giftcards and a couple cute lingerie outfits and we were off to an Irish Pub for the night. I danced the night away with my mom, older sister, and some cousins. Don't you love watching those really awkward 50 yr. old-ish men who absolutely can not dance but do it anyway. I know I do.

Thats all of the important details, I think.

...And now my mom is acting completely childish because I don't want a mariachi band at my wedding.

I was actually a little offended that she would suggest this but I kept that detail out, to which she replied, "Why you're Mexican?"

(Inner monologue)

UGHHHH!!! Are you kidding me?? Wow. Yes, I'm Mexican mom thanks for noticing. Also, thanks for knowing my taste in music and knowing that a mariachi band would be something I would LOVE having at my wedding. Oh wait, no... no.... no!" 

So then I asked if maybe we could compromise on an idea we both liked that could be included so that we both felt like  my heritage was represented but it would be something we both liked.

"No." said my mom. Quickly and rudely.

Then she said she had to go and told me to have a good day.

Yea, the rest of my day was great.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

California here I come!!

T-minus 44 hours until I'll be in Northern California... YES! I'm SO SO excited for this weekend! My mom and sister are throwing me a bridal shower there so all of my family will be able to come. I'm pumped and ready to go! (if you couldn't already tell). I'm just in need of a break and it couldn't come at a better time. I finished summer school classes last Thursday and have to go back for Fall Semester in 20 days- some summer break. Oh well- it's definately better than nothing!

Things on the agenda while I'm gone:

-meet up with the best friend in Napa (hopefully!!) or Sacramento. I'm secretly pulling for Napa, don't tell Julie though. I'm such a wino and have never been there. I hear it's gorgeous though.

-get a pedicure... desert climates are not very nice to your feet, unfortunately.

-help my mom prepare Chicken Lettuce Wraps, Ham and Pineapple Wraps, Salmon with mango salso, and some other delicious concoctions. No wonder I love food- my mom did such a great job of
feeding us well- even when we had no money. Thanks Mom!

-spend some quality time with cousins that I love dearly. I'm a little sad that the only time were all together is during a funeral. Isn't it strange how you take family for granted until they're not living in the same state.

-possibly stop by the park i got engaged at on January 2.

-go dancing with everyone. I'm mostly excited to be with my big sis though. (I'm not a good dancer so hopefully I can provide some laughs and hopefully not fall!)

-go running in California on actual grass that is naturally grown.

-enjoy 70-80 degree weather (it's been far too long!!)

-sleep with my little sister

-joyriding with my mom in her car with the sun roof down listening to her sing.

okay, that's enough. I beginning to get impatient. Any other ideas for things I should do while I'm in CA?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Things I daydream about

Most people I know daydream about their future spouse, money, this amazing mansion they want to live in one day, etc. Not me. I am, unfortunatley, far less luxurious in my daydreams.

I dream of a crisp, clean, white kitchen.

...of fragrant, soft candles.

....of all of this stuff basically.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Engagement Pictures!

Merci Beaucoup, Allie & Omar!!

We had so much fun taking these pictures and are so blessed to have you in our lives!

There was just a few that I loved. Which was your favorite?


Thursday, July 22, 2010


This place I'm in right now feels so strange and wonderful and a little sad. These days it's as if I'm finding out everyday that one of my friends is moving. The people that have captivated my life and entertained me, and hugged me while I cry, and made
me laugh, infuriated me, and cooked with me- they're leaving. I was depressed at first but now I find that maybe I have some purpose for being the one to stay in Henderson and stick around. I guess this means I'll be turning into that "road-trip" girl. You know that one whom everytime you see has different stories to tell of her latest road trip, with pictures taken in front of some funny, little crappy diner, with a million kajillion miles on her car. But it will be worth it.

My fiancé and I have no plans of moving-ever. We'll see what's in God's will, but I really do call this place my home. It's incredible that I'm marrying the man of my dreams in 100 days!!! It feels like it creeping up on us everyday.

He continually takes my breath away and shows me so much grace and is so captivating. I couldn't have dreamt him up. I'm so excited to begin a life with him.

Why do friends have to move away right when you're beginning to appreciate how beautiful and silly and uplifting they are?

Adieu Jolie.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

We're getting there...

I'm getting married in 112 days!!! Can you believe it?! Me either. This is such an exciting time in my life.

It really set in this past week when Max and I were discussing whether we would do the whole receiving line thang (unfortunately no, it takes too much time and we would rather not have our guests rip our heads off because we are making them wait for dinner lol), I was able to take my dress in to the alterationist, Marietta =D (and just so you know, my butt looked FABULOUS!!), we properly worded our invitations and I am planning on making myself useful and mailing them out while Max is at camp, and I bought very fun DIY items from JoAnn's for our table numbers and a few other surprises I have up my sleeve.

My sister, Angelica, got in town on Friday and we have been hanging out nonstop ever since.

We went to Marietta's together, bought new brake pads for my car (i know, I'm so well-rounded, right?? Pshh no. I looked around Checkers for about 10 minutes before concluding that I had absolutely NO idea what I was looking for before I asked someone for help), ate Pei Wei for lunch- if you haven't already, try their kids teriyaki bowl with a side of steamed veggies. It's so big I can't even finish it. We shopped around JoAnn's for about an hour because I thought I was being so thrifty because I had a $5 off coupon of  a purchase of $35 or more, yet to find it was an online-only coupon- JERKS!!!, and went to my favorite coffee shop, Espresso, for some Thai tea and acoustic music- gotta love it.

Max leaves for camp today =[
But I found out yesterday that I am allowed to go to Lost Canyon Sunday and Monday so I'm so stoked!

...Don't worry! I'll be sure to include some pics of our ladies' team uniforms after I get back. You will literally crap your pants when you see them, fyi.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My enemy, Summer...

I don't like that I am worried jealous when it comes to her. I sometimes think it's justified though. Everyone loves her. Except me...

I can't help it. She's bright and happy and steals Max away from me for days at a time. She forces me to have to constantly reevaluate myself into becoming a "better" person.

I am completely aware but don't care in the slightest that jealousy is unattractive and makes me seem foolish. But she's hot!

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not talking about a person- I'm referring to the season. Why is it so freakin hot!?

And I hate that Max always leaves me in Summer. I cry every single time. Why am
I such a baby?? The next two weeks will be spent saying hello and goodbye as he goes on three different trips- none of which I will be a part of. No memories with me or pictures with me in them or soft kisses under a different state's sky. This is something I only have the courage to write about and never say. My best friend has been enduring a long distance relationship for the past 4 1/2 years- who am I to complain? Especially around her! I'm pathetic that's what.

I still can't help it though- I'm such a worry wart! Everytime he leaves I feel like a military wife whose husband has to leave her and may not come back. How sick is that??

I wasn't built for long distance relationships and
okay with that. I just don't like summer- that's all.


Friday, June 25, 2010

favorite scene friday

scene from A Lot Like Love

I think you will be able to appreciate this. I know I do

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm back

Hello! I've missed you too :)

new things I should mention:

It feels nice to be back on here. Summer school classes are kicking my butt- but one in almost done. Then just two to go!

My parents are suing eachother so communicating with them is just lovely right now.

Max's wedding band came in!!!! It's beautiful, shiny, and Titanium- it SO light!

Ive been taking spin classes with some girlfriends and I absolutely love it! I think
I'm pretty darn good at it too, which is funny because whenever anyone would say they did spin I would stare at them in utter amazement because I was pretty sure spin was as difficult as delivering a child. I'm not sure about that anymore, but if it is I just might be able to make it out alive :)

I got to sleep in today... Thank you GOD! I haven't slept in in two weeks! I wish I didn't take summers of sleeping in for granted when I was younger.

I've been HIGHLY irritable with people the last few days. Why do people think it's appropriate to ask if they are invited to my wedding when I'm not even close with them- or people asking if they can bring along their boyfriends I have NEVER met. Aren't they aware that this is very bad etiquette???

I'm doing my engagement pictures this Monday-- yay!!!!

Less than 130 days... Woo hoo!!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cadeau (Gift)

So I have this adorable, sweet friend. She has decided that she is going to bless Max and I with free engagement photos. What in the world? What have I done to deserve this???? I keep praying that Max and I get blessed with gifts for our wedding especially in the financial area and I keep getting shocked and what God is doing. Thank you soo much friend.

These photos are from one of my favorite websites right now. I love am completely obsessed this site.

These are some of me and Max's favorites:

adieu jolie.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Quiet time from 6/5/2010

Here's a little tid bit from my quiet time today:

"My goodness do I feel like I'm growing so much in Christ lately! I got an unexpected and wonderful message from a new friend today. I can't wait for us to grow closer and to have fun girl times together. No one can and will EVER replace Nicole and Jess from my life once they move away, but I feel like God is being faithful in my prayer request and is setting it up so that I won't be as lonely as I thought I would be once they move...

(Just a side note: I totally plan on having like a million ba-jillion phone dates and doing a TON of road trips to come see you  ladies and I know it won't feel that different but the truth is my love language is quality time and when I don't get that I feel as if something is lacking =P so I'm just a little nervous right now, but it's something I'm definately praying about )

...Thank you for mentors in my life. I think I might be one pathetic excuse for a woman and future wife without them. Thank you again for answering my prayer for major spiriual growth during this time of being engaged just so that Max and I can  really start our marriage off well and be completely devoted to You. Help us to grow closer to becoming more like You everday.

Titus 2:3-5
"Older women teach what is good... that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind being subject to their own husbands..."

Thank you so much Chelsea for the advice ;)

Friday, June 4, 2010

scene preferee vendredi (favorite scene friday)

I am very happy today.

Just thought you should know.

It's so nice to not have anything on my plate for a day (or for the things I have to actually be things I enjoy doing).

Today's agenda:

House sit for The Fordney's --> check.

Feed Grey, the parrot--->check.

Feed fishies---> check.

Go to breakfast with the big brother, Art, who is in town for a bachelor party---> check.

Lunch with Max and his mom----> not yet, but so excited for.

Quiet time with "The Excellent Wife" ----> what a blessing this book has been. It's so full of heavy knowledge for wives.

Afternoon nap while watching Garden State---> a gift from God.

Wyldlife @ CiCi's Pizza---> one of our kids won a pizza party there =]

More hanging out with Max and Art.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lingerie Obsession

So can I just admit that I am obsessed with lingerie right now? Like to the point where I am considering selling all of my clothes on eBay and replacing them with super cute lingerie that I have found over the last couple of months. If I didn't have to worry about old man creepers or judgment I would walk around all day, everyday in whatever outfit I wanted. Oh wouldn't that be nice?? I'm gonna be so excited to prance around the house in cute stuff for Max once were married.

Here are some of my favs that I have been staring at incessantly since I have found them:

Loop-de-loop set
SO stinkin'cute
Anthropologie- on SALE

very angelic for Victoria Secret, right?

check out this hot little number
courtesy of Frederick's
could be a nice Valentine's Day present???

Calvin Klein you are SO flirty!

once again from Anthropologie
(HEY! a girl can dream)
Furthers my obsession with boy shorts...
...I will never abandon my boyshorts, never.

I actually might try to leave the house
with this slip on

babydolls look like entirely too much fun

sorry if this was way too personal or you think it's inappropriate, but I'm just soo excited for a number of reasons to get married (this is just one of them).