
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Need to breathe

So being a friend means that sometimes you need to listen to your friends vent!

If you don't want a part of my negative vibes, please stop reading. I wouldn't want to spoil your day =]

...BUT, since you are still reading, here I go.

For those of you that don't know, I am a leader for this amazing ministry called Young Life that reaches out to high schoolers to try and tell them about Jesus. It is so rewarding and awesome, but very hard as well.

My day yesterday consisted of working from 8-5, worrying and stressing all day long at work about my Stats test I just got done taking (I think I did well btw) and the talk about sin I was giving at Young Life club, coming home and getting 15 min to spend with my hubby on the couch watching him play some weird video game, and having to go recite and practice my talk to myself in the mirror in another room, and then off to pick up all my high school friends.

The first girl I picked up, Jessica, is amazing. She is fairly new and is so cute. She dresses just like Kim Kardashian and she turned 15 yesterday. As I pulled up to her house I said a quick prayer for what I was about to do. Jessica had told me the day before that she wouldn't be able to come to camp with us this summer (the MOST fun event of the whole year!) because she got in trouble. So I told her that I would go talk to her dad and try to convince him to change his mind. Welp, I did. And yes, he is a very big intimdating man, but as he talked to me I really agreed with his point of view. He said Jessica had left campus during lunch (which unfortunately is a no, no here in LV) and got caught by a school administrator and got RPC'd and when he confronted her about it she lied. He said he wasn't allowing her to go to camp because that was the one thing she seemed to care about and she would not have minded at all if he took away her phone or laptop. So like I said- he seems like a cool dad, but that was still an awkward situation for me to be in.

So once we got to club, I did my talk in front of the 30 or so kids and felt like a huge boulder had been lifted off of my shoulders. And then I drove all of my girls home. On the way to drop off my last girl she began talking and really almost set me off-- like I almost started yelling at her, but I kept my cool and remained silent until she was done speaking. This girl has been around for a long time and I know she has a relationship with God and is a Christian, but the things that come out of her mouth are so hurtful and against anything Jesus would ever stand for, so I don't know where she stands with most things.

What did she tell me that hurt me so bad? She told me that she favored abortion. I know she is young and easily impressioned, but I just don't get that. She is NOT promiscous, does NOT have a boyfriend, and is NOT sexually active- wtf??? There is NO way that the Jesus that died for her and me and all of us would ever condone killing an innocent baby that had no choice in the matter of being conceived. That baby is a gift (miracle) from God and for any woman to say "Well it's my body and I have the choice," really, really saddens me. She has no more right to choose whether or not that child should come into this world than she had in being brought into the world herself. But of course, any one that does not have a relationship with God would probably not get my ramblings, but its still hurtful.

Have you seen that commercial on TV with Tim Tebow's (player for Denver Bronco's) mom speaking about how she almost aborted him? And have you ever stopped to think about how many women almost went through or thought about getting an abortion, but decided not to at the last minute and ended up with an amazing, intelligent, and precious child. Think about it for a second. What if you were aborted? What if any of our Presidents, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, or any other person that has helped this nation was aborted? How awful our world be without those people! Yes no ones life is perfect, but I know that all of us have had amazing moments that make life worth living. Now, think about never being able to have that. Isn't that depressing?

I'm sorry if you don't agree with me on this topic, it just hits very close to home for me.

....SO as you can see my Monday was stressful, and I just needed to vent and take a sec to breathe.

Thanks for reading thos looooooooooooong post!


  1. I totally agree about the abortion thing.
    It's so hard to explain to my "un-christian", or "sorta-christian" friends at school how abortion is wrong. They just dont get it. & start bringing up topics like rape, or deformities, and make everything so confusing! A life is a life, period. Hope you relieve all your stress, & have a good rest of the week.

    & also thanks for the lovely comment (:
    I don't know about the dryer sheet thing: maybe I'll try it. But I head baby powder makes your hair "un-greasy". I wanna try that one!

  2. Thanks for the support =]

    And I have totally tried the baby powder thing- it really works! The only think that kind of freaks me out is that I have dark brown hair so if I forget to rub in all of the powder I don't want people to think I have dandruff! lol

  3. This was an interesting read. I didn't realize you were involved in YL. It is an awesome program. I went a little bit in h.s. I did go to Wilderness Ranch, and loved it. The hike on the one man trail for days in the Wilderness was amazing.

    I did see the tebo commercial. I thought it was sweet, and was totally confused why it had so much discussion/controversy for weeks leading up to the commercial.

  4. SO cool! I had no idea you were involved in YL. I've heard Wilderness Ranch is really cool =]
